日本ムスリム株式会社 Bismillah

企業理念・ビジョンPhilosophy / Vision

ビジョン=「多様性と調和」OUR VISION:Unity in Diversity

設立背景Establishment Background


From an Islamic perspective, the well-disciplined, cooperativeness, and altruism of Japanese outlooks often overlap with the teachings of Islam. Hence, we thought that there are many things to research from Japanese culture, mindset, and behavior, as there are many Muslims believers who actually come to Japan for business and tourism. However, numerous difficulties exist for Muslims to practise Islamic teachings while traveling and living in Japan.
Currently, about a quarter of the world (about 2 billion) are Muslims, and the rise in number is expected progressively from here onwards. Therefore, Halal (permitted things) is eminent in accommodating to those immense market.

企業理念Corporate Concept


Nippon Muslim Corporation wants to cater services for Muslims to contribute to their safe and secure lives. Also, we aim to serve as a bridge between Japan and Malaysia, as well as countries within Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Muslim population and the Islamic state, Brunei.

企業ビジョンCorporate Vision


In collaboration with Foreign and Japanese Muslim staffs who are knowledgeable about Japanese society, Nippon Muslim Corporation provides accurate knowledge about Islam and Halal as assistance to Japanese people and companies aiming for the world’s Islamic market. We also aim to be business partners by putting forward Halal as a key in appealing globally towards Japanese products and services.
